The 5 best exercises to lose belly fat.


The 5 best exercises to lose belly fat.

Fat stored in face is the biggest weight loss frightening, and what makes it worse is that you can`t hide it with slimming clothes. Often, the face is the last to shape up, and first to puff up. It doesn`t help that your double chine is the first thing anyone notice about you, and by than toned arms don`t matter anymore. Everyone`s body follow fat storing order. The order is not same for everybody. Usually, when you lose fat, it comes off in the opposite order that it was stored. If your body tends to store fat first in face or belly, than these will be the last places where it would drop from.

Tweaking your diet and exercising can work wonders to change the shape of your face. A half hour cardio workout, five times a week works well for the face. It is safer than cosmetic procedures that could temporarily leave you looking like a nightmare. Eat fresh fruit, vegetable, spouts, nuts and seeds. The raw nutrients in these foods help clean up your gut, detoxify the liver, burns excess fat and promote good sleep. To ease the detox process, also try sweating it out through exercise. exercise unclogs the skin`s pore and promotes good blood circulation

Drink 10 glass of water a day, and cat down on booze, alcohol causes water retention. Puffing under the eyes is a dead giveaway. Source


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